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"Incredibly insensitive" - Hunter Dickinson ski mask sparks outrage in wake of Michigan State shooti

Michigan star Hunter Dickinson wore a ski mask before his team's matchup against Wisconsin on Tuesday. The Wolverines went on to lose an important game, but Dickinson sparked outrage with his pregame antics due to the mass shooting at Michigan State the day before.

According to David Hookstead of OutKick, Michigan needed a win against the Badgers on Tuesday to keep their March Madness hopes alive. Dickinson and the Wolverines, though, lost 64-59 to Wisconsin.

That came after Dickinson's comments about how he hates the Badgers, calling them "scumbags." He wore a ski mask before the game to "steal the win," which was in poor taste. Four people, including the suspect, were killed on Monday at Michigan State in East Lansing.

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Fans on social media went after Hunter Dickinson due to his pregame antics. They also made fun of the fact that Dickinson and Michigan lost to Wisconsin in a key game. The Wolverines are now in danger of missing the NCAA tournament.

Here are some of the comments on Twitter regarding Dickinson's ski mask stunt:

"This can't be real. Especially after MSU." "Seems incredibly insensitive considering the events of the last 24 hours." "Not only did they not STEAL a win, they wouldn't even take it when Wisconsin tried to give it to them." "When you have to try so hard to be the villain you become a comic." "I'm a michigan fan, and the dude rubs me the wrong way sometimes. Too much antics and talking." "How did that turn out? His disappearing act in the second half was an amazing display of magic" "Tacky and insensitive move. He should have shown up and played a great game. This team needs some leadership and focus. This was a terrible performance tonight. I'm surprised they were in the game so late." "He wants to be a Paul brother so bad." "At best, incredibly tone deaf given the past 24 hours." "After what happened at MSU Monday night, you’d think someone at UM would have pulled him aside and told him it was neither the time or place for wearing a mask on a college campus. Such a stunt is in really poor taste considering Wisconsin held a moment of silence, too."

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Hunter Dickinson scores 12 points in Wisconsin loss

Hunter Dickinson of Michigan

Hunter Dickinson didn't have his best game for Michigan on Tuesday against Wisconsin. He had a double-double with 12 points and as many rebounds but disappeared in the second half.

Kobe Bufkin led the Wolverines with 21 points, but it wasn't enough to prevent their loss. They failed to capitalize on the Badgers' poor shooting in the final ten minutes of the second half. Wisconsin scored their final field goal of the game with 10:45 left in the game.

However, free throws saved the day for the Badgers, as well as Michigan's poor execution. Rookie guard Connor Essegian was Wisconsin's best player with 23 points.

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