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Instagram Fitness Sensation Courtney Black Workout and Diet Tips

Courtney Black is an amazing Instagram sensation who motivates tons of people to stay fit and look great every day. Though she shares endless workout and diet tips with her fans regularly via the social media channels, we have compiled a list of her most valuable workout and diet tips. Some of these ideas have helped her to lose some extra weight she had put on and some of these suggestions might help you to have a booty like Kim Kardashian (who doesn’t want that!). Read on and start adopting these vital tips in your workout and diet regimen from today.

Courtney Black showing her toned butt and overall body

Weight Loss Workout and Diet Tips

No Shortcuts

The young social media star recently binged on a trip to New York and she ended up having more than 7,500 calories a day. When she got back from the holiday, she felt awful, lousy, slow and bloated. To get rid of all that, she didn’t opt for any fad detoxes as she hates juice cleanses or shake diets. She even thinks that they should be banned. Instead, she opted for the combo of right workout and diet.

Courtney Black face closeup

Sauna Helps

The UK-based celebrity thinks that when you gain a lot of weight in a short amount of time, you are actually dealing with water retention. It can happen to anyone who is not drinking enough fluids, having food that is high in sugar & salt and not doing exercise. Doing regular Sauna sessions will help you to sweat out a lot of excess water and you will be less bloated.

Find Out Your Maintenance Calories

The gym fanatic also thinks that you should find out the exact number of calories you need to start losing weight. Everyone has different maintenance calories so you should not follow others and find out your own. Women usually need 1,400 to 2,000 calories in a day. It usually depends on factors like weight, height, exercise regimen, etc. If you want to shed weight, you need to eat below your maintenance calories but you should never go 500 calories below it.

Courtney Black gym selfie

Fewer Workout Resting Periods

Though Black admits that hitting the gym regularly is vital for your health, but in order to achieve weight gain, you must increase the intensity of the workouts you do. To boost the intensity, all you need to do is to reduce the number of rest periods or eliminate them completely.

Go for a Cheat Meal

The Instagram fitness sensation really believes that eating healthy is vital for weight loss but she also thinks that having a cheat meal every week is a smart idea. It will help in boosting your metabolism and help your body to burn calories in a quick manner. It will also make you a happier person. You should remember to have the cheat meal once a week only and avoid indulging in cheat days as they can nullify your weight loss efforts.

Courtney Black showing her posterior

Workout and Diet Tips for Achieving an Hourglass Shape

If you want to achieve booty like Kim Kardashian, you should follow the below-mentioned tips shared by the personal trainer:

Have Nutritious Meals

Having a sculpted and toned bum is not possible if you choose to eat only salad leaves. You must have nutritious meals constantly to fuel your workouts. The right meals would include high protein and complex carbs that are as per your workout routine.

Use Resistance Bands

Using resistance bands during your workouts is a perfect way to up the glutes game. The size of these bands doesn’t matter, they can be as big or as small as you like them to be. You can add them to any exercise, be it lunges or donkey kicks and they will increase the tension which in turn assists you to get the hourglass shape.

Courtney Black in the gym

Start Weight Training

Cardio exercises are good enough but they don’t offer maximum results. To achieve a curvy figure, you need to get started with lifting weights. Celebs usually achieve the hourglass figure by growing the legs and upper body while keeping the waist slim via weight lifting.
